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thumbnail of excuse-me-barney-ross.gif
excuse-me-barney-ross gif
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Hilarious day at the gym. Juicer was doing descending pyramid exhaustion sets, this is good because I had completely forgotten about these. So you start at your highest weight and just keep doing reps to exhaustion, at least 5-6 then lower the weight then again to exhaustion targeting 10-12, then again targeting 5-6 then again lower weight each set targeting 10-12 and repeat until you can barely lift your arms. He was doing it on free bench and free bench incline. A slight mod is to do triangle pyramid so you do ascending (inverted) pyramid first, then when you get your third set target 5-6 count the dflfirst 2 sets as warm-up. Then keep going set after set to exhaustion each time with a minute or so in between. This us a very effective but time consuming workout and you will basically be dead tomorrow. Unless you're like this guy and obviously juicing. A few things, the steroids give you super energy, they ignore pain, and, boost endurance obviously, but they also make you cranky. 

So this guy was my height, smaller feet, athletic build but the muscles were bulging, he had less fat, probably 12-15% which looked good. He was also probably 20lbs less. Anyway, still looking like a bruiser and I was milling around the same weights he was using, I mean it would be hard not to, the guy was going down 5 every set. So I probably walked in front of him and he's likely exhausted and he walks by and says, "stay the fuck out of the way" in a huff under his breath, not saying it directly to me, not looking at me, just saying it in an annoyed way.

I couldn't stop giggling afterwards. It was funny. No one has talked to me that way since high school. It certainly lightened my mood. I brought it up to my exgf and she said something like, "he's lucky I wasn't there."

She used to work out with me back when she was still my gf.

She means she would have stalked him and ruined his life, not that she'd confront him. There's no drama allowed at the gym unless you want to be banned permanently, they have zero tolerance for that shit.

Anyway, I was done with the free weights shortly afterwards, it was funny.