Hi Joy!
Sounds great! Alice, Kashtan and me talked a bit today, I think we got the basics. I have some questions:

How will character stats be determined?

Will you display the situation on a grid somehow in an image so we see what's going on or does everyone have to do that themselves?

How much does everybody know about each other? Do we know all other players character sheets with their stats and abilities? Should we design them together or just for ourselves? 

I agree we will start simple with basic character classes. I think everyone will submit a sheet and you'll decide if that makes sense or needs to be adapted. We came up with 2 options:

A - Simple and easy but a bit boring. We choose typical characters from the players handbook

Dwarf Fighter

Human Barbarian

Human Cleric

B - We choose more exotic characters and races from the expansion books. For example, the Wizard School of Necromancy is supposed to be especially suited for Fairies if Ashley wants to build an ultimate necromancer.

Alice could be a Plasmoid Fighter, Cat a Tabaxi Barbarian Berserker and Yulya an Aasimar Cleric Protector. 
Kashtan says this needs customizing your origins from the Tasha's cauldron of everything book.

Not sure if thats overkill as Alice warned, the DM would have to read into the expansion books we haven't even looked into yet. Kashtan can upload them all here for the Bear system. So you decide, Joy.