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> the players handbook says player stats are determined by dice roll or by spending 27 points on stats.

It is part of the fun for you to do this as I expected you would, but if you prefer I can do it for you. In that case I would use the suggested numbers: 
For ability scores, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 and assign them per the character class suggestions.

If you do it, I suggest you roll the 6 numbers and verify your sum is at least as high as the sum of the numbers above, then assign them as you see fit. Otherwise you may use advantage to replace one or more of your rolls with any of these above as appropriate not to exceed the sum. If you naturally achieve a higher set of numbers then you are entitled to them on the honor system. I believe Ashley will follow this rule as I presented it and hope for higher rolls but default on the sum 27. If you are at the sum 27, then you may adjust the numbers as you see fit as long as you maintain the sum. If your roll has a higher sum, you should use the number set as is for fairness. For Character creation you will own these numbers for at least the duration of the campaign and there are means to increase these numbers but they're rare, so do it however you're comfortable. You may roll exactly six numbers as a set, no re-rolls, so follow as I stated above, again, on the honor system.

> i'll post you the screenshots from volos guide to monsters and mordekainens monsters of the multiverse its very basic stuff especially for the slime.

If it's not too much trouble, that would be appreciated.

> i can upload the whole books but it will take a while.

I won't have you do this for my sake, provide the title any book specifically and I will purchase a copy for myself.

> for necromancer i found this

This is appreciated, thank you.

[Ashley] Hey cool! I'm a Wizard Harry!