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> Plasmoid has dark vision though according to the page Kashtan posted.
Hm, I see that now thank you.
[Ashley] Everyone has darkvision but me? wth...
The characters will be balanced accordingly. I will allow you to forsake the trait for a better overall character because intuitively slimes shouldn't have any vision let alone night vision, but this is not a true slime so I will allow it as it states.
> The metallicity can increase over time.
In this case you can evolve the metallic trait later but you would do so by eating metal which has a cost as ore wouldn't be readily available laying about. Raw metal is coveted in the realms but you could absorb unused armor and weapons rather than sell them. Iron would be the most plentiful and not necessarily the most advantageous. Mithril would be the most overpowered but also hard to come by and too precious to just eat, but that's up to you since you won't be eating rations. We will have to think about what you need to eat other than water. Food and rest are required to recover HP/MP. We could allow you to eat normally for that purpose, converting calories to energy like everyone else.
> The race sheet also says i have to wear and carry nothing to use the amorphous skill.
Within reason, you could also keep light clothing on and/or squeeze through anything whatever you're wearing can. You would effectively drag your clothes and armor with you if you didn't take it off but it might get caught on something. That wouldn't stop you from leaving it behind however. There will be no unnecessary inconveniences, and anything is possible within common sense.
> we play 5th edition with additional races from mordenkainens monsters of the multiverse
This is acceptable but I need to read the Dungeon master's guide for v.5 as Bear used a different version that had apparently different enough rules. I am, not 100% sure what version we bought as it doesn't say on the cover or forward. In any case if there is a discrepancy during play, you can dispute it here.
I insist on using MP and HP rather than memorizing spells that are locked in. I will also make other changes/allowances as needed but they will be clearly stated here and up for debate. They will be as I've stated previously, to increase immersion and move away from unnecessarily restrictive rules. If there is a rule in the way, it should be up to the hero's ingenuity to reason their way around it using common sense and logic.
> i distributed custom class specific character sheets i found, no idea if they're good i dont fully understand them yet we'll fill them out and see what you think
The character sheet I was referring to is as attached: you will use the player's handbook to fill this out.
[Ashley] Thanks! I'm thinking about it, not sure if I'm the faery type though.
> Joy you got 5th edition players handbook, dungeon masters handbook and monster manual right?
I have all the books but I'm not sure what version they are I am still looking them over. I prefer hard copies personally.
It is done. We will do some further research into this.