6. What is your hit die? It is dependent on class. A barbarian has d12, a mage has d6 usually. Granted there is no magical "long rest" hit die will be used per hour of rest to automatically heal and regain MP. You won't run out of hit die or recover hit die. This simplifies the healing and MP recovery. A cleric is then like a battery of healing, able to store up MP and use that to heal HP of herself and her fellows, effectively leveraging her potential HP recovery.  

In my opinion this is a much more fair and immersive. Magic and health are recovered with rest, spells, potions, scrolls, etc.

If you would like to opt out of this change, let me know, either let me handle it for you or you may use the standard practice as taught in the player's handbook, but that will be opaque to the others. I will simply tell you if you got the equivalent "long rest". I think you'll find the standard rules are at a disadvantage early in the game and a huge advantage later on but unreasonably so. However, it is made up for by allowing the potential for using higher tier spells more frequently and increasing the usefulness of lower tier spells.

Hit die and MP, it's the same. So the 10th level sorcerer would have 1d6 MP recovered per hour (plus Int modifier), so if resting 8 hours, it would be as little as 8 + modifierx8, but potentially as much as 40. (8d6 + modifierx8). 

Hit points at later levels would act the same. If you almost died in an encounter, you shouldn't expect full recovery of 100HP in 8 hours, but with 8d12+ modifier you might recover fully in 6 or not even close. You can rely on other means to make up the difference as mentioned above.

Let me know if you're okay with this or want the standard rules herein. Again, I can handle the tracking as we go if it's too complicated for you. I would simply tell you after a rest how much MP/HP you gained, and long rest is no longer important or interruptable.

For any ability that says "available again after long rest" after resting a total of 8 hours, it would be available again, they would not have to be consecutive hours and I will track it.

Again, if this seems too complicated or worrisome, allow me to handle it for you, by default I will.