
> Joy, does it make any sense to start with such shitty stats?

No, this is why we have a standard set and I allowed you leeway to distribute 27 points.


Stats are only a part of the advantage a hero has. 


> Choosing the standard stats sounds like a lame cheat.

It's a valid alternative, perfectly legit and how some DMs require it be done. Thereby skipping rolls and hard feelings entirely.

> She needs to adapt to the environment and starts weak but advances faster than humanoids. While coming with theoretical and universal knowledge she obviously has absolutely no idea about this world's lore, creatures, customs or 'common sense'. This could be hilarious.

You may choose to keep the low stats but 12 doesn't offer much advantage for hitting or saving. A typical farmhand would have an average of 10 for all stats and you're close to that. By all standards average for humanoids. Not average for heros.

So you would like to start low and be given more stats than the typical  2 per 4 lvls? Considering we may not exceed 5 on the first campaign, it would be hard for you to recover. You would need 14 more points just to get to the baseline. So we would have to distribute to you 4 points per level for the first 4 level ups. That would give you the fair ability distribution at level 5. 

Would we then allow even more ability points?

I can meet you this far: You have 14 points to distribute. When you distribute them is up to you. You may ask me to give you more per level so you don't have to keep track of it. I wouldn't exceed 14 additional points plus 2 on level 4.

So let me first tell you that it's ok if you just have 27 points, you will gain more every 4 levels and once you hit certain levels, you will see that you become more invulnerable and it's potentially less fun. Also some DMs might give you the benefit of the doubt in other areas to keep it balanced.

Now it wouldn't be fair to give you more than 27 total points to distribute per chapter 1 of the player's handbook without extending that leeway to everyone and I won't.

However, certain custom classes and races have additional ability points granted at certain levels. So please post your character sheet and I will think on it once the others are known. I think we can make an allowance to your custom class features column in terms of ability bonuses if we balanced that against other features in the class. That wouldn't be allowed in a standard class, but a custom class is arbitrary so as long as everyone agrees in the end and I deem it balanced, we can work with that.

Without that extra bonus if applicable, as an example:

Lvl1 +13 ability to start (the numbers you provided)
Lvl2 +6 ability score improvement 
Lvl3 +4 ability score improvement 
Lvl4 +4 ability score improvement 
Lvl5 +2 ability score improvement 
Lvl8 +2
Lvl12 +2

This would be like you said, you would be at a disadvantage at the start. But catch up as you acclimated to your new environment.

> I just don't know if I can do anything useful as a fighter with those stats.

It depends, but following the rules above it wouldn't be noticeable by level 2 or 3.

> why hasn't he posted?

Good question.

[Ashley] Yeah Tamuwu, pipe up!