
Did you want a particular skill or is it part of the background of your character to want to learn? You can!


You may learn one new skill or double the intelligence modifier whichever is more.

For every 4 hours of rest you dedicate to learning, you may roll to see if you have progressed in learning, maximum 8 hours a day total.

Learning check can only be made once a day. If 4 hours are spent you need to hit a 1, if you wait until 8 hours are spent without checking, you need to hit 1 or 2 to progress.

The progression is as follows:
Then 1d4 again for every proficiency  bonus. (+2 for early levels, etc).

If you have a proficiency in the associated ability, say strength of 14 (+2) for example and you want to learn athletics, then you may start training two die down the list or 1d8.

Keep in mind that those hours won't count as normal rest.

Also keep in mind that resting anywhere except in a cozy inn or residence will carry with it a risk of encounter and that risk increases for every hour rested in one area. 


It is expected that you rest at least 8 hours a day doing things that count as rest. A cumulative deficit of 8 hours will increase your exhaustion 1 level.

I will take care of tracking this.

Exhaustion occurs if you don't get enough rest. Rest must include available rations. Cooking rations will require 1 hour and convert 3 rations into 4 cooked rations and requires cook's tools proficiency.


A butcher can gain 2x the meet from edible game and can butcher monsters for edible meat.

Meat can be preserved but must be prepared by a cook to turn it into rations (cooked rations). Otherwise it is only edible to the carnivorous. 1 pound of meat is equivalent to 1 pound of cooked rations.

You didn't know you were playing "Oregon Trail" did you? Yes, I will require rations, 1 lb per day per person.


Hunting is a survival check, you will not need to have an encounter with wild game, however there is risk of harm equal hit die of the animal if rolling a 1. It will take 1 hour. DC depends on the region, relevant modifiers are Wisdom, Survival, and hunter's tools proficiency (only required to remove the harm chance). 

All this can be opaque to you, so don't worry about any of this.


I will initially organize your inventory into appropriate packs and pouches. While traveling, a pack, pouch or purse may be stolen, destroyed or otherwise lost, and all items in that container will be lost with it so where an item is stored matters. However since it is arbitrary you can leave it to me to determine what goes missing if anything. Each pocket counts as a separate container.

You may opt out of one or all of the above and I will track them separately. If an event occurs you will be told. I don't expect you will run out of food or will be required to hunt but Cat's cooking skill can be used to strech rations. Cooked rations can be stored like regular rations and are the same weight (1 pound). Cooked rations may be traded as regular rations. When traded they will revert to regular rations.