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Since your party is pooling assets, and due to your backstories, gold was calculated 5d4x10 for Cleric only. (the total was 90)

This represents Yulya selling all her worldly possessions and her life's savings.

Taking into account things purchased for her guests (her own inventory was excluded as she would already have had that) and Ashley's because she's wearing a spare set of clothes, Cat came clothed but Yulya gave cat half to buy a backpack, belt pouch, and other sundries plus Alice's attire so she has 10gp left. Yulya then has 45gp left. 

Speaking of coin, save it for now because you will need 40gp (10 each) to register with the guild.

How the Guild works: 
Anyone in this world that wants to level up will either have to do so at the guild, a university, or a temple. A university or temple will ignore your combat experience entirely because all their leveling is done with study, you will get adventure points from study among other things. 

Only the guild will be able to judge EXP from combat and level you based on that EXP and ADP. They will only recognize the change through official sanctioned divination using a focus (gem) or crystal (ball). This is lore Yulya should know having been a part of the temple.

So any leveled individual you meet will have gone through this process. Only guild members are sanctioned to go on quests. Those who have been kicked from the guild or are otherwise not part of the local guild are free to PK. Guild members may not kill other guild members legally, but as we know what happens in the dungeon stays in the dungeon and dead men tell no tales. The first thing to do when setting out as an adventurer is then to register with the local guild.

Ranks and level and fee requirements:
Level 1, Copper, G-rank (Grey), 1000cp (10gp), a mercantile feat 
level 2, no fee for members
level 3, Iron, F-rank (Green), 500sp, an amazing feat
level 4, Silver, E-rank (yellow), 1000sp, a heroic feat  
level 5, no fee for members
level 6, no fee for members
level 7, no fee for members
level 8, Electrum, D-rank (blue), TBD, a saintly feat
level 9, no fee for members
level 10, Gold, C-Rank (red), TBD, a miraculous feat
level 11, no fee for members
level 12, Platinum, B-Rank (white), TBD, a fate-changing feat
level 13, no fee 
level 14, Mithril, A-Rank (black), TBD, a legendary feat
level 15, no fee
level 16, Orichalcum, S-rank (silver), TBD a godly feat
level 17, no fee
level 18, no fee
level 19, no fee
level 20, Adamantine, SS-rank (gold), TBD, a universal feat.

Other guild perks include:
- cheap lodging
- cheap food (not rations)
- free (patched) equipment when available (donated/salvaged)
- attached bar
- often there is entertainment (of all types) available as well as tales from other adventurers daily.
- Sanctioned slave registration
- Access to town services, adventure shops