Youre quick to spend other peoples gold or even start a war my girl! If not everyone has to pay a fee we wont waste funds here on bribery. And dont cause a commotion especially not by summoning undead in a city! Security is probably tight exactly because criminals and even monsters are trying to enter the city so go ahead and check things out with charm not violence. If they let you through right away go for it wait inside and then follow the cart with Alice once its inside the city! She will need your help if we get held up. I will cast GUIDANCE on you before you go, hurry to the guards then it does not last long! If they turn you away ask why, come back immediately and report!
Alice, quickly give Cat your belongings and attach yourself to the underside of the cart before anyone comes behind us. There is no way we will get you through looking like half melted cheese.
Cat, take Alices spear and my shield, that will make you look much more like a warrior protecting me than going unarmed.
If we do not find each other in the city we meet up in front of the guild, it should be easy to find.
*cast GUIDANCE on Ashley by touching her head*
[obviously after Ashley has replied and is ready to go and unless I cant do that because whatever]