It is strongly suggested that for each post you upload your character picture like you seem to already be doing, even if it's a duplicate. Alice has removed the duplicate picture filter from the board.

It's important to convey expression and mood as if we were playing in the same room and for character immersion.

It's slightly harder on this site because the pictures don't embed, so one picture for the start of the post if there is dialog, which is almost always the case. 

Ashley's pickings are slim, so it looks like gimp is in our future to give her different expressions. We happened to find one that was perfect for this circumstance, but it's unique. We can easily recolor hair, eyes and robe color if not modify the expression. 

In reviewing other play-by-post runs, this was sporadic but the times they did made it a much more enjoyable read.

This is not a requirement and you seem to already be doing that, so carry on. Just don't be surprised if Ashley uses the same picture more than once.

[Ashleyl I doubt we'll ever be as versatile as Cat.