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01-01 Conclusion

> carefully hands Alice's spear to the guard

The guard takes the spear and holds it under his arm, nodding to you in respect as he takes it. 

> places hand on holy symbol on her chest and bows lightly to the guard

The guard stands waiting as you draw the coins from your pouch.

> gestures to Cat with an outstretched hand
> And this poor soul - I picked her up on the verge of death traumatized and left with nothing, another terrible story. I am afraid she has nothing to prove her identity or affiliation and has trouble speaking but I can guarantee for her righteousness and will take full responsibility for her actions. She is a reliable escort and splendid cook as well. I intend to permanently hire her and will have her registered at the guild as soon as possible. For now I will cover the entrance fee for her.
> gracefully hand the guard 5gp

The guard takes the coins and pushes them through a slot on in the gate, presumably to a lock-box on the other side. You hear a slight clink for each of them falling presumably into an awaiting pile.

> If I may ask, can you recommend a modest inn for my escort until we will be able to make her registration? Preferably one where she can cook for herself as our funds are limited.

The guard nods, Easily enough, the guild has reasonable prices for food and lodging for the newly registered and their guests. They have an open kitchen where members may prepare their own meals or buy them from the cook. He points to his  Well, if you can afford the registration, it's 10 gold for copper rank, but only she would need to pay, and that's once. 
He puts his hand on his hip, just above his silver plate as if showing it off.

Aside from that, you can register with The Hall of Justice for 10 silver each but it only affords you identification and won't gain you any discounts on food or lodging. If you have 2 additional silver each, you could stay at The Banded Mare and that would cover room and board but I don't think they'll allow you into the kitchen.

For even less, but far less comfortably, Tris’ Lockup at the docks is the best bargain in the city if you don't mind the smell of rotting fish. There are cheaper places in the slums but I wouldn't recommend them.

You however, should probably go straight to the Church of Ilmater I presume, especially with that friend of yours, hopefully she hasn't run off too far. It's easy to get lost in a city this size and there are missing persons reported every day so stick together. They have a soup kitchen that offers free meals to their parishioners and faithful. I doubt they'd turn you away even if you're not. I've seen mostly refugees there lately anyway. 
He steps aside for you to enter.
Good luck miss, he addresses Cat and you too, I can already tell you'll make a great warrior. I look forward to tasting your cooking at the guild if you're offering, I've got some things you might like to barter with. 
He smirks proudly.
You can come back to get your spear and shovel if you get that plate. 

Yulya and Cat are ushered through the gate.