> do you have a freezing point? Is it 0C?
That's impossible, 0°C is the freezing point of pure water. Cells contains salts, sugars, fats and proteins which lower the freezing point. How low that is varies by organism and adaption to cold, usually somewhere -5 to -10°C unless it's a sudden shock. Many organisms can synthesize antifreeze like glycerol and survive extremely low temperatures, otherwise all plants would die in winter.  Plus my metabolism produces heat which counters the cooling effect just like a human doesn't ever freeze to an ice block in -5°C, unless he's dead. To keep this simple treat me like a human in underwear while I vaguely look like a human in underwear. Being spread out is a problem because of the heat loss over surface though. It will either cost me more energy to crank up my metabolism or slow me down but not outright kill me. I suppose freezing magic is another beast that quickly produces very low pemperatures but I know nothing about magic. Anyway my water content is very high so freezing is not good.

> wind chill
One of God's most horrible inventions. Adventuring in low, windy wet emperatures must be hell and the death rate from hypothermia and disease enormous. If we go full realism we won't live long, and definitely not well. That's while I usually refuse to go on wonderland adventures in cold climate.

> do you have internal organs? Is there a core like a monster would have?
The plasmoid stats says 'nerves' Doesn't make much sense but my liquid form isn't totally homogenous like the liqquid metal form will be. That's why the pseudopod can't be used to look around corners because it contains no sensory organs. Think of an amoeba, it has some organells drifting around its insides but no highly ordered organs like an animal.

Definitely no core like a monster. That's a magical property. I have no magical properties.

So yeah my main weakness is the speed in which I can react. The body may me able to adapt to the most adverse conditions and perform thee weirdest stunts but that takes a long time, which we usually do not have. It's not magic. So in many cases it's not practical. 

Regarding food as I said it solely depends on what I do but as I will mostly be in human form it will be human-tier food and water requirements under normal conditions. If it's hot and dry I will ofc lose more water in this despicable slime form.