
"When you are using a shield with which you are not proficient, you take the shield's armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving, including Ride checks."

Ashley has expressed interest in using a shield without a proficiency with shields and I finally found the rule for shields without proficiency. The only drawback for her as I said is she'd need to drop or stow it when casting spells 2nd tier or higher since she needs both hands, additionally, she is a pacifist so the attack roles don't apply to her. Most spells do not have attack rolls, they have saving throws. Lastly, movement checks like stealth would apply so she should stow the shield for those. I won't count it against her if it's on her back as long as it's not too big. 

She wants to use a medium shield she can hide behind while casting summons and I believe that could work if she just leaves it on her back and faces away from the enemy while casting summons, but she won't be able to cast them forward 10ft as the two she has do.

Lastly, we had to modify her character sheet because she missed a feat she was supposed to have and we changed the undead wasp spell to make it more consistent with her class. 

Specifically, the necrotic wasps are now persistent like other summons but tier 1 doesn't cause a distraction to the target on hit. Distraction on hit also wouldn't trigger with opportunity attacks.