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BATTLE 01-07 jpg
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Alice smugly waits for her opportunity to gloat.

Yulya dashes north, prepairing to get just out of range of the rothé.

Cat and Ashley dash north and attempt to taunt again as a bonus action.
[Cat's Charisma check (+1) vs the rothé's Wisdom 10 (+0) Roll 1d20+1=15]
[Ashley's Charisma check (+4) vs the rothé's Wisdom 10 (+0) Roll 1d20+4=6]

The rothé finally listenes to Cat and changes his target to Cat, but is unimpressed by Ashley.
The rothé charges toward Cat!

The North Guard dashes to the aid of the Unaffiliated Wizard.

The Driver dashes toward his rothé, calling in vein.

Ashley's minions move and attack the rothé.
[1d20+0=15 Beatrice's attack succeeds vs rothé's AC15, Damage: 1 necrotic damage]
The rothé winces in pain.
[1d20+0=1 Critical failure! Derbie snaps at the rothé's ankle attack but gets trampled into the dust! Derbie has been called home to the negative plane.]
[1d20+0=9 Herbie is heartbroken after losing his brother and forgets to attack.]
[1d20+0=1 Critical failure! Beebee dances with death and is voted off the island. Swept away in the currents of the rothé wake.]

[That's a lot of critical failures for Ashley's summons. It's remarkably bad luck.]

The Gate Guards continue their hurried march north, panting like overweight dogs on a hot day.

The Unaffiliated Wizard rolls a saveing throw vs death.
[1d20=4 The grim reaper knocks on his door, holding a summons, 1/3 die vs 1/3 live]