
Okay I remember why I did this.

Cat is just out of the rothé's range so she could only be further north and west, further from the stairs or closer to Ashley so I left her there. I presum she didn't mean to get into the rothé's range so I kept her out of it through the power of concurrent movement. 

When you see a rothé charing toward you, I figure you rather stay out of its range if that was your intention. But you could just move out of the way next turn so I'll put you where you want to go. I'm still learning this too.

So I'll accept I made a judgement error and I will make the moves correctly here on out but then I will not consider it an error if you end up in the way of danger as a result.

I'll move Cat into her intended position further north by the stairs but in the charging range of the rothé but still in the range of Ashley's bond.

The same goes for Yulya. It was poor judgment on my part.