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BATTLE 01-09 jpg
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[1d20+3=6 Constitution check vs DC10]
Alice, basking in the afternoon sun in relative peace and tranquility, after a burst of merriment amid the dire circumstances of the battle just feet away, tired from her long journey, has slipped into unconsciousness. 
Alice is peacefully asleep and will not awaken again for 8 hours unless awakened by an outside force or one of her party members. 
[1d20+2=4 Stealth check vs DC5.] 
Her position has shifted and she now appears as an unsightly goo hanging from the canopy of her tree. Anyone within 20ft will see this and likely report the gangly ooze to the guards. 

The Driver follows the rothé and attempts to whip him into submission.

[On the previous round, I mistakenly gave the driver a critical hit. That was my blunder. So this round he did indeed get a critical hit 1d20+3=23 but I must then swap this with the previous round's roll 1d20+3=19 giving the driver a hit but not doubling the damage. The rothé's exhaustion level 1/6 stands.]

[1d4+1=4, halved by rothé's thick fur=2]
The whip strikes against the fur coat of the rothé and causes the animal to bleat loudly but is not quite enough to take him down! 

[Unexpectedly tense result!]

The gate guards can only watch as they are outpaced by the rothé's erratic and illogical movements. They are unable to reach him in time to strike a deciding blow.

[Which brings the final match down to Cat and the rothé, a hit will almost surely down this nearly unconscious beast, but a miss could potentially bring her in danger of his horns or stomping hooves.]

Cat enters RAGE uses her INSPIRATION and jumps to attack the rothé!
[Cat uses her unarmed attack with a base attack bonus of +6 and a damage of 1d6+4 but it is slashing which the rothe will resist halving the damage. At this point I will reveal the rothé has 3HP left, so a natural 1 with Cat's damage roll, even if she hits will round down to 2 leaving the rothé with 1HP and a chance to attack her. However, she also uses RAGE and INSPIRATION. RAGE will give her a +2 damage, which means any hit she manages will down the rothé. INSPIRATION gives her advantage on this attack so she has two chances to hit]
[1d20+6=11, miss vs the rothé's 15AC, with advantage 1d20+6=23! It's a hit! 1d6+4+2=8 with resistance damage = 4!]

With everything she has Cat claws at the rothé. It's reign of terror has ended, and it falls to the ground with a thunderous thud. The beast has finally been defeated!

All attention now turns to Yulya and the fate of the dying wizard...