
It would depend on where you go and when but that's privileged information. Based on current timelines, if you do see her then that changes when and possibly where the other concurrent (in the past by 88 days) group will meet her ultimately. As far as what happens, that's entirely up to you and her. She's had one scene in Autumn's temporal coordinates but Autumn is about to sync with Bear and Gwen, I am a deputy DM on their group but I designed a one shot for them that could take a few days real time and probably a week in-game before they get there and back to their den. As far as their arrival at Neverwinter, if it's before you temporally then you won't see any evidence of it obviously but we will adjust their campaign to accommodate  the notion that you didn't see them.

Misha however, as we know, is in Neverwinter yes, but she's not my NPC to command so she will do what she wants.