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Using my special intuition I've been authorized to make this statement:

If we stick around, more guards will come. If we book it, only Yulya will be in trouble because none of us gave ID but her. 

Okay, so now, that's a horrible answer though, we'll be wanted and unable to register with the guild. 

Option 1: So here's the issue with me, I lied, the guard will put 2 and 2 together, I could run for it and Yulya could say I'm off to go get my ID. 

Option 2: Or I could come clean and maybe only need to pay 5 gold or maybe get arrested for giving false testimony to an officer or something. Drama

Option 3:Or we could charm them with our womanly superpowers, I could deceive them again and blame the cart driver, say I saw him reading off summon scrolls. 

Option 4: Or maybe just say I'm the type of cleric that utilizes undead for good, not evil. I like that one best, these guys don't know everything.

Raise Dead, Animate Dead, and Create Undead are all cleric spells by the way!

the registration check will prove I'm not evil, Joy already said that. So I'm going for option 4 all the way.

Option 5: Yulya could throw me under the bus

Yulya: "What undead? Do you take me for a demon? How could a woman of the cloth side with undead things" said with disgust. "I had no idea she was cut from such cloth!"

Also the other guard witnessed you as a saint, he'll likely back you up there if you can get him in on the conversation somehow, did you get his badge number?

Alice is set now, no one will think she's anything of consequence except maybe the gardeners but I bet you they'll stay clear of this area 'till the po po clears out lest they get stuck getting questioned too.

Cat's perfectly fine, she took the beast down, she's MVP for sure!