
[To be absolutely clear, the North Guard is asking for statements from both of you separately Cat and Yulya, that means he wants a full and complete account as you remember it. (You can summarize). He will attempt to render judgment if you were in part or wholly at fault, he will try to actively detect deception for which he has some proficiency against [DC15], and his associate Brutus is listening in for his own curiosity but may tip off the guard if something doesn't sound right to him. [DC20]]

[To my utter disappointment as your DM Ashley outsmarted me and managed to avoid my gotchas on a gamble. Part of me is proud of her bravery, part of me is not amused by her hubris, but it was a fair albeit risky exchange. From this point forward, she is put on the same dirtier death rules as the other group. I would like to see just how brave she is.]