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And then Yulya came too Nya I told her to stay away Nya if the rothé gets you it's curtains Nya but she wanted to use her flame spell Nya and Ashley came too because when she's near I get all powered up Nya because of that spell Nya so we were all on the edge of that green arc

points wildly in the direction

But then that wizard shows up and he fires magic real far and hits the rothé really hard like boom and it was hurt Nya it got really mad so it charged to him Nya and you know that's when you came too right and you dodged it really cool like whoa Nya and you stabbed it hard Nya. I couldn't stay up on the wall anymore Nya I ran towards the rothé but it went straight for the wizard Nya that idiot Nya why didn't he get out of the way Nya it hit him full force Nya!
That was bad Nya we we failed Nya that's what we wanted to avoid we wanted to draw it to us Nya and Yulya threw away all caution and went straight for the wizard to help him Nya right behind the rothé Nya it was crazy Nya she even used her light spell I dunno why Nya it was really dangerous Nya so I wanted to attack the rothé to draw it away from her Nya but she ordered me not to Nya it was hard Nya. And then the guys from the gate came Nya and that driver too Nya and they all attacked the rothé and hit it a lot it was weakened Nya. Then I finally managed to make the rothé go after me Nya. I climbed up that wall Nya over there Nya and it charged after me far away so Yulya could help the wizard Nya and then I jumped down like whoosh and I hit the rothé as hard as I could I didn't want to Nya but it could have hurt more people like the wizard if I didn't stop it Nya. I don't remember much how we were fighting but I brought it down Nya!

Thats all I remember Nya we should have attacked sooner Nya then the wizard wouldn't have got hurt Nya. He almost died Nya I'm glad Yulya could save him Nya!