
You are within your rights to change your party at any time. I don't believe it is my right to boot anyone from a game by any means, not that anyone is remotely close to that, but I am obligated to do things to sour the milk when I have to if that forwards my objective.

My one and only objective as DM is to provide a means to fun. That's all I can do and I am doing my best.

As for challenges:

Ashley has been reprimanded through a harsher death system than you enjoy. I don't feel it would be respectful to do the same to anyone else, so it would require strong words from their leader if my sour milk isn't enough to disuade them from objectionable behavior. 

Of course I can also sweeten the milk and the darlings of the party in that reguard are you and Cat, I feel you've done exemplary and as a result so I'm rewarding you both with INSPIRATION.

I also don't believe Ashley is trying to fight, her personality is somewhat agumentative as a natural state.