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Yulya manages to calm Cat down at least a bit before giving her own statement still puzzled and worried that Ashley managed to get away on her own.

Right after we entered the city we found ourselves behind this carriage and wanted to overtake it on the right side. We heard a commotion and saw the driver lying on the floor next to the second rothé on the right side. My guard here was the first to notice that the first rothé had broken free of its harness it was injures and became enraged. I barely managed to stop her from racing right over and trying to calm it down with her animal handling skill. We climbed the cart instead to get to safety. We knew we had to take that raging animal down but it charged north and outside of the range of my Sacred flame spell the only offensive spell I am proficient in. So my guard Cat went down from the cart and tried to get the rothés attention to make it go after her and lure it back to the driver and into the range of my spell. It didnt work out the beast charged further north and towards two civilians. It was clear it wouldnt come back to the cart so me and my disciple decided to follow Cat and back her up. We went to the northernmost edge of the green arc but even this wasnt close enough. After that wizard intervened with his magic missile things got completely out of hand and the rothé began charging the caster. I believe thats when you finally managed to reach it A very brave move if I may say. The wizard fired a second magic missile and thats when the rothé charged him. I think it was the exhaustion after using two spells in qucik succession but still we were horrified that the wizard made no attempts to escape the rothé charging at full speed. I went down from the arc and hit the rothé with my Sacred Flame once but that did not stop it and it took down that unfortunate wizard. I knew this was a deadly hit and that I needed to go out there and heal him. I am a cleric of the Peace Domain so I have next to no experience in frontline combat it was a gamble. Since you went to help the wizard I was now out in the open.Cat did her best to lure the beast westwards away from the downed wizard and my apprentice now also left her safe position to back her up. Finally the rothé charged westwards just before you reached the dying wizard. It was now between Cat and me and I managed to sneak behind it while it chased Cat to the wall. It took longer than expected but I am glad I finally managed to reach the wizard and save him from deaths door. Honestly I was surprised to find him still alive with such injuries. You wouldd think getting a full hit from that beast means instant death. He must have had a guardian angel watching over him. I used all my concentration healing him so I have not witnessed Cat taking down the rothé together with the two guards from the gate an the driver I presume. But I was relieved to hear their cheers and when it was over. So thats pretty much the gist of it you were there yourself so you should be able to confirm my words. I am glad that aside from the unfortunate wizard nobody was injured but I admit we were reckless and our coordination was far from perfect. It could have ended in a disaster. I wanted to use the most careful approach in order not to endanger any of my comrades but you know the best plans rarely survive the beginning of a battle. When the wizard was hit we knew we had to act and we did.