In an effort to always make things more immersive and thereby making every decision count, I pondered why someone would eat a fime meal when grog and slop, not to mention the protectant on the underside of a cart, would do.

So to give you incentive to enjoy your world, your the gracious and detailed DM has been discussing options with SheShe.

I am working on a motivation scale of sorts, one that would lead to bonuses such as inspiration.

So SheShe will begin with enacting it on her team overtly and I will institute a hidden metric elsewhere that would "boost luck" for those who eat yummy things and spend their free time loving life and so on.

We should love our characters as we love ourselves, and what a beautiful gesture it could be to offer them a generous portion or a fine meal every so often. 

Please don't let it distract you, it won't affect you negatively in your campaign but in the Bear-in-system campaign the neglect and toil of characters will have real effects.

Say, to save coin, you decide to subject the group to disgusting fare in the docks district, where the beds are little more than straw and the meals nothing more hearty than potato soup.

Well after some time, the party members may become vexed or their spirits may become dampened. Perhaps not as severe as Ashley's DAMPEN SPIRIT cantrip but leaning that direction.

This would affect Ashley also as we work it out and therefore would affect her charisma rolls slowly at first, maybe four days of depressing conditions might cause APATHY for instance. (Ashley's T1 spell effect).

This fits well into canon mechanics such as in Shadowfell, the negative plane home of Ashley's summons and her patron the Raven Queen, where the plane is so devastatingly horid and dreadful, you are required to periodically make saving throws to avoid effects such as those experienced by unfortunate souls who should catch Ashley's eye the wrong way.

So enjoy those candied apples, havd a drink and relax at the bar, upgrade to the satin sheets and pillowtop and enjoy hidden benefits as a result AND now leaders can potentially punish their team for acting inappropriately. Interrogations lasting days can have actual psychological effects on prisoners etc.