thumbnail of orange-cat-paw-on-laptop-keyboard.jpg
thumbnail of orange-cat-paw-on-laptop-keyboard.jpg
orange-cat-paw-on-lap... jpg
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thumbnail of cat-sleeps-on-laptop.jpg
thumbnail of cat-sleeps-on-laptop.jpg
cat-sleeps-on-laptop jpg
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Goddamn the cat did it again and ruined my post. First walked over the keyboard littering everything with ööööööööööööööö, then sat beside the laptop and casually pressed some keys on the left side. Browser closed, everything gone. Wtf is this keyboard shortcut even? I wouldn't know what keys to press to do that. 

Opened browser and /tulpa again, went to get something to drink, no cat in sight. Came back a few seconds later, cat is lying stretched out across the keyboard, wildly scrolling through /tulpa/

I really don't know why they do that. All our cats did that.