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thumbnail of Sympathizing with aliens cannot be allowed.jpg
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> Once Alice is registered, they will know she is plasmoid and won't discriminate. 
Their tolerance will be their downfall. As it looks they'll even accept the Demon Lord at the guild. And then they wonder about 'strange events' and 'disappearances' in their city. Where's the inquisition when you need them? Oh wait, I'm the alien here...

Also wait, those people know about aliens and spaceships and stuff? A plasmoid is an alien species.

Plus I'm not a plasmoid. I'm the emergency recovery mode of a veeery sophisticated WMD. One-of-a-kind. If anything it unfortunately looks and behaves similar to a slime for now. So let's say they mistake me for some rare intelligent slime of this world. I'd rather be taken for a human girl but it can't be helped, I'll live with that for now. If they let me live at the guild. I'm not convinced yet, Yulya's paranoia is contagious.