> they were around 300€ each

Fuck shit at Walmart is $300 each, shit probably works but I just can't. No, everything is $1200 America pricing. So when you look at your paycheck, x4 and that's what you need for #american_life

It's a gaddamn shame, but I plan to die eventually and then I don't have to worry about it.

> im more worried about the yearly car inspection.

When you're me: (3x vehicles, 3x problems) at least 95% of the time I fix it myself. I just paid $15 for a part that the shop wanted me to pay $500 to replace, nope, not if I can get to it without dropping the engine, no thanks.

> mechanic hours have become crazily expensive

I take sick leave and then do it myself. No, I'm  not paying $120-280/hr for them to do mundane shit I can easily do myself like oil changes and maintenance. Head-gasket I can't do without a lot of effort, way too much effort for me with these two jobs, but f me it's expensive.

> i cant do it myself and i know nobody whod do it for me

I was a mechanic for about 18 months, working on Jaguars. Never ever buy an English car.

I have a full set of tools but some shit is a pain. My German car is complex af and has so much shit on the top end. It's a high end one, so call me stuipd for owning that. My Jap car is simple. Course then there's the big ole 'merican truck and that thing is bulletproof and dead simple. It's the only one I actually bought myself, my friends gave me the other two like, "hey do you want my old car?" and I'm all, "you had me at 'do you want.'" because I'm cheap and new cars are insane here. Seriously I make more than them but they can't stomach getting 10 cents on the dollar in a trade in and some people need new cars every five years where I don't mind that none of my cars are newer than 10.

I have another aunt of a friend that asked me if I wanted her old civic "old is 6 years old" I said, "whenever you're ready, I will make the sacrifice and take possession of your nearly new car for free." I'm a saint you know.

A neighbor down the street says, "my husband's old car is a pain, can you take it?" she said that a year ago, so I'm not holding my breath.

I had to get rid of 2 cars in 2021, I had 6 at one point, but they were old, like '92, '94 and the SMOG shit sucks for older than '00. At this point I'll be one of those old men with a junkyard full of cars. I need to buy a farm so I can throw all these in the barn, but Grandpaw Biden and President Newsome say no more new ICE cars after 2035 and I'll have a fucking fleet by then. Again, don't give a fuck if I never buy a new car again. All my cars are always in top condition.

Anyway, I want to really just get rid of everything and move to Micronesia or maybe Alaska.