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Yay! We're on our way to Neverwinter! It'll probably take two weeks since we're moving at half speed and with stealth.

So on the first day what happens? We're tracked by a goblin scout by scent and you know what scent that was. They can smell blood like sharks. Anyway, my excellent archery skills took him down before he could escape but not before he screamed like a baby and a big ole goblin leader showed with another lackey, he was a tough one, but nothing two girls with bows and a hunk of a Bear with a heavy maul couldn't handle. He knocked him down in two hits, the Goblin leader didn't even strike a blow.

[Gwen] Poor guy, threw a javelin, then picked it up chasing Bear down and threw it again, missed twice, then Bear doubled back at him and smashed his face in. He had 4 shots to hit Bear and missed all four times. Of course I also missed 4 times for no good reason. Autumn and Bear don't even need me, it's depressing.

Yes we need Gwen, she's our star and our light in our hearts. Who wouldn't love an angel?

[Gwen] Technically I'm an Avariel elf.

So we're coming for you Neverwinter!

[Gwen] We hope to be coming for Bear too.

SheShe be damned, we'll write our own scene if we have to. This isekai needs to be ecchi damnit!

[SheShe] I'm pretty sure Autumn is forbidden to partake in such things while still under the conditions of her personality forcing.

I need to do do 50-some scenarios in the next two in-game weeks then!

[Joy] I would never allow this, SheShe is a pushover.