If the façade of this place wasn’t intimidating enough, handling the sight of it from the inside certainly took nerve. People of every sort were sitting, talking and relaxing to music played by a human bard sitting with a party of half-Orcs and another high elf at the table nearest the entrance, strumming her lute in harmony. The din was a loud smattering of voices and clinking silverware, the main hall of the guild served as an eatery, bar, and even seating for shows that could be performed on a large adjacent wooden stage. Above were high lofts, presumably for lodging, this place had it all.
And there she was, happily eating a hearty meal, right at home and surrounded by attentive adventurers well beyond her rank. That unmistakable mane of blue silken hair, owed to sorceress' wild magic, was facing away and chatting away. An archer sitting across from her was especially tickled by what she was saying, and hung off her every word.
"So I was there, cheering on my babies, and that poor ole rothé was attacked from every side not the least of which from my preciouses. But then my friend the Barbarian saved the day," she stopped to finish chewing, "it was so fun and then you should have seen the look on that northern guard's face when my friend Yulya did her whole 'saintly light' thing," she air quoted, "it was spectacular, like an angel landed or something," she started laughing, "she cast Healing Hands and got a whole 1 HP of healing!" she cracked herself up and they responded in kind, especially the archer, "saved his life though, she's a good one."
The archer looked up at you, "a barbarian and a cleric of light you say?"
"Yeah, didn't you hear me?" she said and looked at him, then slowly turned herself around and looked up at you. "speak of the devils! Here they are, finally."
The table built for 6 was already occupied by four, Ashley, the archer, a lovely elven bard and an old, white bearded wizard smiling with a kindly old glint in his wrinkle fringed eye as he glanced your way. He tilted back as if you welcome you in his arms, but only smiled wisely.
"Well, welcome to the Guild," The archer said, leaning across the table to shake Yulya's hand, "we've heard all about your exploits, and it's nice to see a face to the legend. Herald at your service. The lovely bard here is my tantalizing and ravishing companion Josephia, and the older gentleman to my left is Faren the wise, a very capable wizard."
Ashley then stares at the short geisha with the fox mask, her brow furrowed in puzzlement.