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> she reluctantly takes Heralds outstretched hands while sweating profusely.

Herald takes your hand and attempts to bring it to his lips but Ashley slaps your hand out of his, "would you stop!? Why are you trying to kiss everything, hentai? Sheesh."

He laughs and shakes his head, "My dear Ashley, you are a peculiar one."

"I'm not your nothing, but if you play your cards right I might be a friend, but I'm not going to be a friend to Mr. Kinky-Kissy-Face."

Josephia especially liked that one and covered her mouth to prevent an outright laugh at her friend's expense.

"I apologize Ashley," Herald said simply, "I admit I don't know your culture of origin, so I apologize if my ways have offended."

"It's okay Harry, just lay off the touchy-feely stuff."

> Nyahaha good evening everyone! I see you already made friends, Ashley!
> I am Cat Nya and these are Alice Nya and Yulya Nya!
> Thanks for taking care of Ashley Nya! Sorry our Cleric is a bit exhausted after the battle with the rothé and healing that wizard Nya!

"Friends? Well, almost, here," Ashley tries to hand you the tankard of cider and attempts to pull you down into her chair with her.


Alice slips under the table causing Josephina to edge back in her seat as she watches Alice picking up stray bits of food that had dropped. When she sees Ashley throw a roll to her, she can't help but be amused by this interaction, 'This girl Ashley would make a wonderful Bard,' she thinks to herself.

"Have you considered registering as a Bard, Ashley?"

Ashley eyes her, and her look obviously declines.


> "Anyway, hey Yulya, they said I couldn't order anything because I'm not 'registered' can you believe the nerve? Thankfully this guy here," she points to the archer "Herald right? He bought it for me, thank the heaves for loopholes am I right? So he's cool, the Bard's cool too I guess but the other guy, Jack, their leader? He's a 1st class asshole. He stormed off after I told him off and he's lucky I can't cast anything or I'll turn into a panther because I bet my Tiger-self would've ripped him a new one."

Herald sits back, "she's technically correct but I'm still wondering how you calmed him down and what if anything we need to do to get him back to normal?"

Ashley waves her hand dismissively at him, "I'll release him, don't worry."

"Did you say you'd turn into a Panther if you cast again?" the elder wizard Faren asks, now even more interested in this blue-haired sorceress.

"It's loud in here I know, yes, I'll TURN INTO A PANTHER!" Ashley responds.

"I've never heard of such an ability held by a sorceress," he remarks, stroking his beard.

"It's more of a curse than an ability, but it has come in handy."

"Oh? So you do remember some of your past?" Herald adds.

"Well kinda, but no, it's more dream-like, honestly, it's only been a few days since I woke up nude in that Owlbear nest."

"Absolutely remarkable," Faren remarks.

Amid this back and fourth, another young woman arrived. She's exquisitely beautiful with long, fiery red hair and obviously upper-class apparel, though her tag is Copper and embossed on it says, "FREYA" and "HOSTESS". The moment she looks into your eyes, you're mesmerized by her, drawn into her gaze like a hapless moth into a flame, you immediately feel like you've known her for years and she's your best friend, like you'd do anything for her. 

Yulya: You're certain she's not casting any spell yet you feel unmistakable under some sort of affects. You shake the feeling of servitude, your nerves are shot and you don't know this woman, but her allure is unshakable, you want to know more but at this point you're obviously overwhelmed. A hermit in a din of activity surrounded by dozens of strange and boisterous beings seemingly brings chills down your spine.