[1d20-1=13-1 vs DC10] You instinctively rack your brain, thinking of anything you might have picked up about lore or anything you remember from seminary, you are learned of course, and it strikes you like a ton of bricks, she's Fey, or perhaps half-Fey. You consider for a moment that she's perhaps a member of the alluring denizens of the Feywild that are inherently capable of charming and dominating unsuspecting victims into their lands to enslave, experiment, or otherwise subjugate as pets or simply use your soul energy for whatever purpose or whim they conjure up at the moment. But the thought is quickly dismissed, clearly this woman is an official Hostess and isn't here to eat your soul or drag you into another plane of existence, so you should be able to trust her in that capacity at least.
Cat: You have similar feelings of familiarity but know for sure you've never met this woman, she's not Tabaxi. You're a little confused by the feelings though and inherently trust her.
She smiles at you and your heart melts. You begin to realize that the table of half orcs and several others are now watching you intently, or rather Freya and you. She tries to place her hand on Ashley's shoulder but is denied.
"Again, don't touch me without permission!" Ashley snaps and slaps her hand away.
Her expression falls and you can tell she barely contains her frustration as she rubs her hand nervously, then bites her lip and collects herself after a quick breath, "Hello and welcome to The Guild! I am your gracious host Freya. I always love to see new faces! I take it you're here to register with your friend here?"
She eyes Ashley tugging on Cat and you can tell Ashley has struck her with undeniable curiosity, she's barely able to concentrate on what she's tasked to do, "firstly, I overheard Ashley's complaint and I feel terrible about it but that is the policy, we offer fare at a discount and only to members, but you're free to visit and view our curiosities," she motions to the walls where countless objects and totems are on display, the horn of a dragon, the toe of a giant, a shield half-melted, a broken sword in a glass case this place is also apparently a museum of artifacts in it's own right. "I'd be happy to show you around, and let me be the first to dissuade any notion that we're unwelcoming to refugees!" she clears her throat and eyes Ashley, who eyes her back in a disbelieving manor.
"Don't mind her, sit, you all can share my plate," Ashley offers.