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Cat swiftly puts Yulya on an empty seat with her free hand while kicking Alice in the butt under the table, causing her to fall flat with a loud thump. After taking her seat next to Ashley, a large paw pulls a little girl in pink Yukata wearing a fox mask from under the table and puts her on the free seat next to her that Freya organized.

Sorry 'bout that Nya she's a prankster but a good girl Nya!
And treating us to dinner is very nice of you, thank you so much Freya Nya!

''Cat is mesmerized by Freya like a cat baited with a treat yet does not look at Freya but only at Ashley's plate while talking. Using an extended claw like a skewer, Cat helps herself to a portion of meat. Her mind entirely fixed on the food, Cat pays no further attention to the other people around her. Who cares as long as there is delicious food?