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> glances at Ashley

"What? Did you want some cider?" Her last word cracked high, she might have hicuped. She rips it from Cat's waiting grasp and pushes it to Yulya. "It's a littllllle too spicy for me, but it was great. Whew! Is it hot in here or is it just me?"

The archer can't stop staring at Ashley fanning herself with her sacred collar. Freya is similarly both perplexed and intrigued.

Freya breaks loose of this web-like aura Ashley casts and bows to Yulya, "certainly! Um, just call me when you're um..." she's distracted by Ashley, "gotta go, customer's are waiting!" As she leaves you're left feeling cold, as if her firey nature was the only thing keeping you warm. 

On the other table a young Half Orc woman lookes at you consolingly, "heh, she does that to everyone, I don't think she realizes just how powerful her aura is. I'm Irgasha Sling, Proud Cleric of Tyr, your vestments are interesting, if you don't mind me asking, to whome do you owe your faith if not Tyr, Helm, or Oghma?"

The wizard also looks interested in chatting, you're fitting right in and in good company.

Elizabeth rattles off a number of dishes and drinks that are available  tonight then lists the accommodations. "The upper lofts are free for the first night after registration, one per party. The food today is gratis per Freya." And she reiterates that registration will be available as late as Freya says it is. "Freya herself closes tonight so just enjoy yourselves, the night is still young."