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to whome do you owe your faith
good question actually we never thought about it aside from our guardian angel. the most obvious choice for peace cleric would be eldath her followers live spread out in nature but shes neutral good not lawful good. also Yulya likes water and bathing that fits nicely. expect lots of baths and swimming lessons. bu tremember Yulya even went away from the small eldath church, reading it they seem like some hypocrite hippies so that all matches perfectly lol. also Yulya is no outright pacifist she hates hurting or killing any living creatures even plants but you gotta live and getting yourself needlessly killed doesnt serve your goddess either.

but tbh she now follows SheShes directions wandering the land.

Alice has already set out some mid and long term plans we will talk about it soon after registering when we make a strategy meeting.