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thumbnail of Opt_SECC_BURNS_DINNER_2018_H-199_ccc647699d3b878f33fab0fc43e2f880.jpg
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The group takes in the guild as they eat. It has a two story interior with a balcony, it was obviously a theater after it was a warehouse and has now been converted into a large open restaurant-like hall with many medium round tables and chairs set for six each. Parties are sitting with each other and enjoying a meal, drinks, cards, other gambling or just sitting back and talking. On what would have been the stage is still a stage but in the back is a long desk with a wall of marked set of files, a bulletin board of sorts, with dozens of papers tacked up with wax seals, some are open, some are headlined with metallic names, copper, silver, gold, etc. Presumably these are quests and wanted posters.

Another similar board is just by the main doors, filled with wanted posters and flyer next to the adventurer's list you noted earlier.

There is a kitchen to the left with a bread oven and grill. Up in the balconies seem to be windows into the small private rooms or 'lodging'. There is a large central firepit where slabs of meat are slow roasting. You can rest assured they're not horse meat.

It's awfully busy right now and the din is near deafening, a lot of the patrons are drunk and some have noticed your party, many eye you occasionally as you eat though many are looking at Ashley. She seemed to have made quite the impression. Your party is slowly drawing more attention.