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“I’m sorry Freya, things got out of control the other night.”

“Mhm, as I was saying, one more bruise and my knuckles will be sore, I’ll have to ask Brutus to use his mace. Should we tell Brutus what happened now just in case?” [Intimidation check passed easily without roll]

“No no, I mean, I’ll make sure the issue of control is solved forever more. I promise dear, Freya... love.”

“See that you do, darling,” Freya said and got up, then it was clear she wanted to slap him as hard as she could, or maybe set him on fire but that would probably only cause more trouble for Kell and Sandie.

She hugged the girls both again, an uncharacteristically sad look in her eyes, but she recovered quickly, [Persuasion check passed easily without roll] “Jonas, darling, tomorrow morning, stop by and we’ll work out the contract for that mine issue. There’s room on the board I promise.”

Jonas lowered his head in defeat, “I just didn’t want to bother you, seeing that you’re so busy and all.”

She slapped him lightly, “bad.boy! For you darling, I’ll make time, or do you not want to talk to me anymore” she pouted. You could have sworn she cast something but there was no spell, it was as if her aura flashed momentarily.

“NO! No no it’s not that at all.”

“Good. Tomorrow then? And will you please bring your lovely escorts? I’d love to see them again.”

The escorts in question cheered quietly in their seats.

“Of course, they’re very special to me. As are you.”

“Don’t keep them out too late then, they need their beauty sleep.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

She held out her arms and Sandie and Kell both ran to her and hugged her tightly for the third time, they were barely beyond children, “see you tomorrow girls, maybe there’ll be a treat for you both waiting." she had a warning tone on her face, "if you’re good.” Then smiled widely at them.

They couldn’t be happier at the notion and both kissed her cheeks recklessly. She straightened and gave a thumbs up to Sandie, motioning to her outfit. 

She curtsied to Freya and smiled sweetly.

Jonas grabbed back his sack and when he stood, his escorts fell in line; he walked out… in an obviously turgid state.

She turned to Gavero and Malodia and winked, they both saluted and stood, off to find a seat at a less conspicuous table.