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Another well dressed noble, a doughy man, had entered the guild, she noted him as she was dealing with Jonas. Freya greeted him, she looked like she knew him but looked confused by the three beastkin slave girls trailing him. Especially the long golden chain that was looped to a collar on each of their necks and their gold manacles.

He passed the other noble and Sandie and Kell smiled at the beastkin girls as they passed causing them to huddle and whisper to each other. 

She met him a little ahead of his arrival at the stage, “Ferdinand, darling, how are we tonight?”

“We are doing very well. I have these three beauties out with me for the first time and I have a bit of an issue that I hope you can help me solve, you see, they need an escort immediately, I’m afraid I must impose!”

“Oh they aren’t to be yours?” She eyed them and they immediately became mesmerized and enthralled by her.

“Well, yes, but frankly I won’t be able to bond them until next week, there was a… disturbance of one of my trade carts and my gold backing was on board. It’s a very serious issue for me you see, it’ll take at least another week to order another shipment from Baldur’s Gate, I can't keep them at the manor, they're just too precious for my guards to handle.”

“Oh, who are you working with for them?”

“Janet de Luis, do you know her?”

Freya gasped, “I did know her yes! I hope she’s doing well? We used to visit frequently, though I'm sad to hear she's still dealing with... well let's say I'm sorry she's still dealing, I expected her to move up by now.”

He continued without skipping a beat, He took her hand kissed the back then said in a nearly exhausted tone, “Freya, why are you here in the guild and not at the Estates? You would be reinstated and venerated by the local nobility! Whatever you did to fall from graces would be completely forgiven, I’d make sure of it personally.”

Freya took her hand back and waved him off, “oh gods it’s all so tiring and anyway I couldn’t afford the smallest suite there.”

“Freya, darling,” he reached out and the look in her eye told him not to touch her again, he already got more than enough. He dropped his hand immediately and looked around nervously, “I would sponsor you in a heartbeat, the best suite available, larger than the whole of the guild if I could find it. One look at you and you’d be married off and welcome to all our parties. Why I’d be happy to take your hand myself if you wished it.”

She rolled her eyes and yawned, “you flatter me.” [Performance check passed easily without roll] She curtsied, ”alas I’m waiting for true love,” she feigned desperation with her wrist to her forehead.

“Oh how adorably droll of you. Well with your lineage, you have ages to change your mind. Maybe when I’m old and grey, on my deathbed, you’ll give me your hand and take my wealth as your own.”

Freya genuinely smiled at that notion, “perhaps.” She caught herself and looked surprised but quickly recovered. [Performance check passed without roll] “Anyway dear, sweet future late-husband, when are you going to introduce me to your lovely friends?”

The lovely friends swooned.

“Shii, Brea, and Darah, meet Freya, fairest of all the lands, the jewel of Neverwinter, star of the evening sky,” he bowed as he introduced her.

The girls each held out a hand and Freya took each one in both of hers, “a pleasure, a pleasure, a pleasure. Are you being treated well ladies?” she noted the chains and plinked one with her fingers.

Brea bowed her head and rotated her toe on the ground looking ashamed, “I tried to run, I was scared, I’m sorry.”

“Oh dear, it’s only natural, well let me tell you, Ferdinand here is a charmer but he'll make a wonderful host. He’ll not turn a sour eye to any of you if he values his life.”

He cleared his throat nervously.

“Let’s have a seat up front, a table just opened up,” Freya said and escorted them.