In my most recent prompt series, sorry but 4096 characters isn't nearly enough, you will notice that Freya passed several checks without rolls. This is because nobles aren't difficult to sway and she's adept at doing it based on her backstory and loads of practice. She comes from nobility herself and is very well versed in the ilk, but she doesn't consider herself of that cloth, especially since she didn't want to be 'married off', and without that or a substantial source of wealth, she was unable to sustain that life, not that she particularly cared for it anyway.

At this point, Cat, Yulya and Ashley are hiding out under a table, she's unaware of you there and will speak freely but as you may already know, she's simply working at the moment.

I want to include one more scene that you wouldn't have necessarily seen but you overhear as told from the people talking in the table above you.


"...who are these scrubs now? More fodder?" Freya turned her attention to June Bugbear who was trying to incite Nyx and her crew to something. This she could nip in the bud.

She marched over and grabbed June’s ear yanking it back toward her own table. “You’re cut off Junie.” 

“Freya, babe, come on now I was just having a little fun.”

Freya shot a glance back to Nyx, a nod from him was all she needed, they weren’t involved and weren’t going to be. “That group in particular is under my care and didn’t you hear Theilia’s announcement of protection?”

“Theilia? The Drow? I’m not afraid of her kind, they’re too busy slinking in the shadows with the cockroaches to-” she stopped mid sentence, cold steel was pressed against her throat.

Freya was pushed back as if the wind had gusted right in front of her, and there was suddenly the black cape of said assassin blocking her view.

“Oh dear, I can’t see what’s happening, oh what a shame it would be if a certain half-orc was suddenly assassinated without any witnesses,” Freya said loudly.

“Cockroaches make better company than you, Orc,” Came the silky voice of none other than Theilia.

In a strained voice, “Oh oh oh, thhhaaaat Theilia, I’m afraid I was sorely mistaken! Care to share a drink friend, Freya, two ales.” Her voice stopped, the blade was being pressed adeptly, a single twitch and the throat would be irreparably cut.

“See that you don’t make that mistake again, the cockroaches will be watching.”

With another puff of wind, she was gone.

Freya eyed June sternly.

“I think I’ll turn in early, I may have had one too many.”

“I’ll cancel that order then, have a good night Junie.” Freya said sweetly and patted her shoulder. Even when someone was clearly wrong, Freya was forever forgiving.


The recap was answered by a round of cheers and applause by those above you.