
Pissed off my business partner like big time, she was throwing a tantrum and it wasn't pretty. Smoothed it over this morning waaaay too easily, still wary.

She was so clearly and obviously wrong and two witnesses tried to calm her down. So maybe she got a clue not to be so mad at me.

I apologized and said it wasmy mistake even though it wasn't really. Buuuut maybe she was extra mad because I called her insane.

If they don't find my dead body in the river next week, then I definitely dodged a bullet.


I "tried out" a hiking club, kinda too fit chick there, about my age? She chats me up and Ashley will tell you the story because she's biting my ankles trying to interrupt.

[Ashley] OMG Bear being Bear is flexing and sending out lures so he catches this fish then during snall-talk he tells her, "I'm a broken Sigma mess."

[Ashley] It didn't help that he had just had the argument with his business partner.

[Ashley] She like laughed it off but you know, he didn't want that carp anyway and we're here to beach this whale so he doesn't get into more trouble. He has a head full of salmon, so he's full up on fish.

They have odd times and schedules so I doubt I'll go again.