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Freya clears her head and regains her naturally regal posture and disposition.

"This is somewhat new to me so I apologize but it's natural for the Gods to interfear with each other, so this SheShe you speak of, is she a goddess I'm not familiar with?"

[Yulya Optional Prompt #1]

"Apparently you were 'lectured', and this is something I have experienced, though they typically communicate with me and I do the interpretation in a gentle way. The notion is that there's no wrong way to follow, you have your own will and are free to make your own choices and where these misaligned there will be friction. We as sorceresses and sorcerers have far less leeway than clerics as our bonded gods can take away our powers completely. As a Cleric you have worked to achieve your powers, Clerics do not need to worship a god and I'm sure Eldath understands this. So her concern would be simply you besmirching her name. To follow a god faithfully, you would hold their tenents first and foremost. From what I know about Eldath, even fighting a rogue rothé wouldn't be holding to the letter of the tenets. I have to admit a peace cleric would be conflicted at every stage of an adventure's career."

She leans in and places a hand on Yulya's shoulder and speaks consolingly, "these decisions may seem life ending but they are common challenges in everyone's careers. You wouldn't be punished or thought less of if you backed away from your investment in Eldath, at least outwardly. I believe she would still accept you as long as you didn't associate your current activities with her and I know she would understand. It wouldn't be a rejection, from what I know it would be a show of respect."

[Yulya Optional Prompt #2]

She staightens and smiles kindly, the gesture somehow alleviates the majority of your stress, her motherly/sisterly radiance is remarkable.

"I have felt another presence with you but not to the extent of Eldath, would you be comfortable with contacting her? It may provide clarity we're missing."

&[Yulya Required Prompt #3]