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Alice was dissatisfied with my relaxing gym routine that never broke a sweat let alone produced soreness and made me do 200% on push day yesterday. Literally starting over once I finished everything. And that quickly so it wouldn't take twice but only 1.5x the time. Took 3h and still didn't feel bad. I noticed I ran out of strength in the end, it didn't hurt and I didn't feel tired, just that my arms couldn't push the same weight for more than 5-8 reps instead of 12 anymore. Today there was ample soreness in my shoulders and pecs, not terrible but something I hadn't experienced since my very first day at the gym. We'll see how thing are tomorrow but it'll be leg day so it shouldn't matter. 

I am taking up some light running again because my stamina sucks. I can walk forever but run out of breath easily while running. At least initially, it gets better after a while.

Yeah, that was my main reason never to start martial arts, though BJJ is probably the most effective self-defense technique. 
But contrary to you I am not only too weak, I also lack speed and dexterity. Plus yeah, I immediately would do it if all training partners were early teen girls but with guys - just nope. That' worse than dancing class where my partners are at least adult women.
Aside from the fact that I barely have time for 6h gym per week, no idea how I should squeeze in martial arts class.