> Gundren Roskseeker would like you to escort a private trade cart of supplies to Phandalin. The route should take two-three days and Gundren and his escort Sidar Hallwinter will scout ahead to make sure there’s no bandit activity, so this quest is Copper rank and it should be easy money. You’ll be paid 4 gold for a successful delivery and a 2 gold bonus for arriving in two days or sooner. You may also ride the cart back with Gundren at your discretion. Your plates will allow free passage throughout Faerûn so you needn’t worry about tolls. Gundren has a trade token, so you shouldn’t experience any issues in that regard either. If you’re interested just let me know.
I'm for taking this quest. First we can't let our DM's preparations go to waste and second this brings us close to my ship. I need to frequently visit it to see how it's doing, have a chat with it and give it instriuctions. It also provides materials for me to return to my own self. It can also produce a lot of things for us, you'll see when we get there. Ideally we'd have a few days at our destination before going back with Gundren. But it doesn't have to be on this trip if the area isn't safe. At least we could assess a feasible path. I mean Yulya got there on her own so it shouldn't be impossible.

But first of all as Yulya said I'd like everyone to lay out their plans both short and long terms, and also what they would like to buy tomorrow from the reward money. We need to equip for that trip.