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Wow, we did an exhibition fight at the arena for potential gold against 4 gladiators (level 4 fighter champions) and new Misha has a spell that requires a gold coin to fire three darts like magic missle but with 2d4 each and 5d4 if critical and it also requires magic ranged attack so they could miss, well sje hit with three and ended up critical on two of them so a potential 12d4 and managed 40 damage in one turn! We were at a grave disadvantage in that fight, here are Bear and I doing 9 and 6 damage with bows against foes with 40HP and great swords and one's already down on round 1. More show up and next round she does 32 damage! With my assist another is out. We have two left, two rounds of misses from Gwen and Bear misses, we're still at a grave disadvantage but new Misha has 1 MP left. Gwen throws away 1 of her MP on another miss with a powerful ranged spell of her own. The battlefield is large so we were walking back the whole time using ranged but they're dashing so now they've caught up with us, one hit can take out most of us and they have action surge and 2nd wind so we're toast because we can't slow them down, none of us have any means to do that which I will rectify when I level up but wow.

So now we're still untouched, round 3 one uses action surge to catch up and hit Gwem but attack roll exactly matches her AC (15) so she avoids the one hit kill he had 2d6+3 potential damage against her 12 HP (lvl 2). So she's pinned down anyway. So she casts against one of the remaining 2 who was previously hit by arrows and magic and drops him. So now it's 4v1 and we're no longer at disadvantage. We ranged them down from 4 to 1 without them managing to make a single hit.

In round 4, Gwen was struck down non-lethally and then Bear, Autumn and Misha2 takes out the last one after a few turns. The battle ends at round 7, Bear was down to 15HP but otherwise an amazing victory.

It can come down to the rolls, it could easily have gone the other way.