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> We are a party a weak one to be honest and our survival depends on working together like the gears in a clockwork. 

Ha ha, now you're cutting deep.

she hangs her head and wipes her eyes

> Especially your survival as a pacifist non-combatant. 
Yeah, I don't want to hurt anyone mis peace cleric, I thought we were a good match you know? I thought we'd find a way to make a living without all that but apparently not now, now that we need all this money is that what it's all about? I like that quest because it's just a simple cart trip, if there's trouble, then my babies can help but no I don't want to kill anything is that so wrong? I thought you especially if anyone would understand that, maybe I was wrong. 

> You cannot fight for yourself you cannot even defend yourself.

Yeah, rub that in from the safety of your million coin scale mail and shield, I can't wear armor like that and expect to do anything else? Should I pick up a stick and bonk goblins? My babies protect me and if worse comes to worse I can transform and trust me, I'll defend myself then, I'll think of nothing else but the taste of blood and warm flesh in my teeth. Let's hope my panther-self knows who's the bad guy, because my human-self is questioning that.

> All of us will be putting their lives on the line to shield you from harm.

she starts openly crying
What do you think I was doing while Alice was playing in the sun? I was chasing after that rothé and you didn't think twice about casting some kind of bond spell on me, keeping me in harms way. I could have safely stayed on the cart and cast my babies, so ask yourself whether that statement seems ironic or not. 

> Especially me as She She has entrusted you to me!
I didn't ask her to do that, I don't know who she is and Freya said she was actively blocking my god's influence but my god gave me this power or I'd have died a thousand deaths in whatever plane I was stuck in, I had to make that choice, all the while gods, angels, demigods and Asimar are trying to control my life. Is that what life is? Being torn from all sides? Maybe it's not worth it, and when I ask for a little slack I get more demands and a lecture. It's f'ing ponderous Yulya, ponderous.

She sits on the wet pavers and cries.

> So what about you will you do the same for us? If you plan to keep to yourself and occasionally butt in if you fell like it you will kill us all do you not understand this?

Yes master. She says between sobs

> We will always and never be 'even'.
she only cries amid sobs

> If you give me 10gp of your share now I will have to pay for your necessary equipment from my own share. 

she keeps her head down, rain pouring off her hood

It's all about the money to you, are you even listening to me? Do you care about me at all? I don't want your charity anymore and no, you don't own me. You only give me things I need but take everything else as your share, then I have every right to find my own way. 

> You will not have to pay me back but I do expect you to give your funds to a teammate in need of equipment should the necessity arise. That is a minimum of common sense and companionship.

silence from Ashley, thunder cracks in the distance

> Actually I never wanted to bring up that topic it was you who did.

> Yulya grabs her mace and points it at Ashley's legs with a sad smile.

> Girl I never said you would have to pay me back until tomorrow or otherwise I would smash your kneecaps ok? It just would be a nice gesture if you did at some point even if it just was symbolic. In SheShe name, using your charm outside of scamming people once in a while would not hurt you you know!

rain relentlessly falls

> We will discuss everything with the others but now let us head to the guild and take that quest before its gone!

Ashley slowly follows, dragging her feet in her waterlogged shoes, trying desperately to regain her composure. Otherwise lost in thought. Feeling ashamed at her outburst, saddened that her wishes matter so little, unsure about anything anymore.