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> Ashley is not a fucking mercenary hired for money but a party member friend and family.

I'm sorry this is getting to you personally, it shouldn't. She can be all these things. That's up to her, not me.

> if she plans on siding with the enemy because she feels shed get paid more from them then we have a problem. 

Based on the bond she holds with you "YULYA - STRONG PROTECTIVE"

That's not possible, or at least I wouldn't allow it. I think you're assuming strange scenarios that don't make sense. To Yula: Trust your team.

I will warn you though that if she reaches the third stage of depression in game, all bonds are moot. She's at the first stage now.

> i know Alice and Cat will do that without hesitation and they dont care about earning money aside for their most necessary gear. what about Ashley?

I think she's made that pretty clear, she cares about you all, and based on what she said, she doesn't want to be a drain on your resources, she would rather make her own contractually designated funds and help out in her own way. I think you need to stop thinking she'll throw a quarter of Yulya's money down a wishing well.

> shes also feeding on Cat's rations she made with her money

She already said she would rather eat garbage, but I doubt she'd say no if someone offered her a meal once this is all settled. 

Side note:
I was slightly confused when Freya said she reminded her of nobility but she's actually playing the Fey/Nobility rulebook, "never accept charity from the Fey or the Nobility". Though I doubt you'd enslave her or eat her soul. I can tell from what she said she feels indentured and not in a good way.

> again this is insane

I will withhold my comments re: Ashley's character's sanity. I can only go by what I read here I don't talk to her about this offline.

> you will receive what is deemed necessary from the party otherwise youre a hazard for everyone and we cant have that. 

I think you're making assumptions that are not well based in reality (or game reality) It sounds a little controlling to me, an outside observer. 

As a DM I can only try to foster fun for everyone and I'm on Ashley's side on this one only because she wants to play her character a certain way and I can only discourage that to a point before it's no longer fun for her.

Even a married couple sometimes have separate bank accounts.

> imagine an army where every soldier buys his own equipment or not according to his whims.

Welcome to America, Bear works with retired American soldiers in his day job, they all bought their own body armor and many of their more expensive supplies.

> result everyone is steamrolled by a well organized and equipped enemy.

knock on wood

> family

See meme

> Traitor

I think Yulya should trust Ashley more, but I'm not discouraging Yulya otherwise in game.