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> I'll try to be less frustrating in the future. I thought we were having fun with my antics, but okay, not all of us were. Got it.

Look your antics were fun up to a point and certaiinly youshould play the way you feel is right it's no fun otherwise. But threatening the party leader over money - over MONEY let that sink in - and persistently refusing to even remotely devoting yourself to the party are so far across the red line I have now words for it. I would have kicked you out in an instant.

What 'compromise' did you achieve now? Yulya caved in and gave you everything, you took it and still refuse to consider the feelings of others only looking to get out the max for your personal benefit. Now Cat is next because you think 'your shit will fly' no matter what. Protip - it won't. You can't be part of a tribe and benefit from its protection and bonds without respecting its rules and taboos. You can't have your cake and eat it and pick everyone else's cherries as well. You can try and push your luck but I will guarantee you sooner or later this will end very badly. For everyone.

I know you're not doing this on purpose but because you're dense and that's alright, this is why I am telling you this. The damage you have done is far greater than you can comprehend. You have trampled over Yulya's dream of a party forged by imagistic bonds that moves as one superorganism. You refused those bonds and tossed them into the trash for your selfish desires. With this we cannot play the way we originally envisioned anymore. It could have been fun, you could have been our inseparable friend and family member but you just went 'fuck it all I don't need you I'll do whatever I like!'

Well fine, that's your decision. You cannot force people into imagistic bonds. Maybe they will grow over time but I doubt it. Well I am done with this, do as you please, take your money and keep to yourself as a mercenary eating your own food and sleeeping in your own bed fighting with or without your own equipment. You will be treated as such from now on, I hope you have fun. I certainly won't and I cannot rely on someone acting like this. This game has already turned into everything I hoped it would never be. The party is split and broken beyond repair before we even started.