
What a difference a day makes. Thank you for understanding the wishes of other players.

Ashley has vowed to make a real effort and press her comfort zone for the sake of the team. Whether she's capable of meeting future expectations is yet to be seen. 

She's also realized that everyone's playing themselves and will try to play her character closer to herself though I don't know how much you'll appreciate the difference.

She also took umbrage with me for pressing her too hard so there will be some adjustments on my end as well. I assume Bear System members are rock solid but Ashley seems to have some softness lately. In-system dynamics are ever changing.

So both Yulya and Ashley should expect more things going their way in the future, at least for a while.

Some of Ashley's cantrips and spells will be adjusted to be more in line with other spells so she may be more useful in a fight.

Her panther self will also be adjusted in terms of its intelligence and her control of it. Pending.