I like the idea of having the Panther hunt for food, maybe together with Cat but isn't burning mana points for it a waste? They will take a lot of rest to regenerate and during this time Ashley has no access to her skills so that's a bit risky.

Speaking of rest, how is night watch handled? I assume we have to have someone keep watch at all time while being on the road.

If I'm correct you need 8h of inactivity for a long rest with no more than 2h of keeping watch. So this should work with 4 people which can cover the 8h with 2h of rest each.

Regarding ranged weapons we keep being limited. Ashley's a pacifist, Yulya's a peace cleric and both are busy with spellcasting. I can't use bows as monk so that only leaves Cat. While she's strong enough to handle even a composite bow, I can't imagine her doing it with that paws and most of all we need her as an agile attacker, she's not a ranged fighter. That leaves me with darts and javelins I guess. How many should I buy? Ops I mean Yulya should buy for me? At least 2 but giving I don't carry anything else I could also use more.