
> I thought we had agreed to give Ashley 31 gp 

Ashley has asked for 5 gold.

> cost of arrows
In SheShe's run, arrows are 1 gold and 1 pound each.


We took this literally. Well it still works out fine. You can have cheap arrows because it doesn't matter much in the long run.

So 50+25=75 gold for bows, you have about 100 so I recommend it.

> So now what about funds. I thought we had agreed to give Ashley 31 gp that leaves us with 63 + 7 we already have = 70. Already not enough for 2 bows. And giving me 25 gp and cutting Ashley's share is also a dick move I don't like. So Yulya, what will we buy?

Ashley wants what's best for you all too, there was a horrifically bad miscommunication on her part exacerbated by an abundance of emoting and the worst negotiation skills I've ever seen. So please ignore that 31 gold request. You have enough for two bows.

If you gift her the shield that would count for 10 gold. She would also want a small pack, 2 gold. That's 12. So if you gave her 7 gold she would basically not need or eant anything else. That would leave 86 gold. 76 if you bought another shield, 75 after arrows. And you still hace another 8 or so in Yulya's and Cat's posession for more arrows.

This is my recommendation.