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So SheShe decided that the timelines are now wholly separated. Considering we're a week ahead of Ashley and you all, Ashley is now in two separate timelines.

If you were to meet our party, that would be the NPC party that's in your timeline (still us, but not doing what we're doing and we don't know what they're doing.)

So your Ashley and our Ashley are essentially two different Ashleys. Confused yet? 

In our timeline, we're considering she has been kicked from her party and replaced by Ashleah the human witch, and works for the guild as a hostess. Given her godsight, she was a valuable addition to her team and she might even handle our leveling instead of Freya. 

That complication solves our dilemma with Ashley, yes, she's full of demands. Though she is not going to be part of our party as far as I know, we'll at least be seeing her more often and she can do what Ashley does in both timelines. She's flooding the multiverse!

So now you can meet us even though we're headed off on a long quest and won't be back for a while.