> I'm a bit worried you're obsessing too much over your two D&D sessions you burn yourself out.

Oh, ha ha, Joy's and SheShe handle all that, my involvement is minimal trust me. I'm enjoying it through them, this is anti stress.

> I don't think fruity urine can come from a transmitted disease, only thing I know is diabetes. We have to ask Dr. Alice.

It's moot. I peed in a cup like 4 more times and nothing smelled remotely sweet. I even um... asked someone else to smell it and they said it smelled like beans.

So no, no diabetes, but I do freak out sometimes, it's normal for me. Ashley's really good at calming me down.

I have been stressed lately, it's not one thing or another, it's a lot of little things like someone trying to charge on my credit card then the CC company fucking it up and compromising my replacement cards then saying I couldn't get the second replacement set expedited, the fucktards. Luckily I have three other cards. These minor inconveniences do wear on me.

There's no chance of burn out, sorry to worry you two.

No I'd prefer not to get a lecture about fruity pee, it's not me and I didn't even ask the exgf about infections there's no issue. I am still stressed but it's all residual.

So no, Joy is itching to release a bunch of scenes, she's developed a few already waiting for Yulya to calm down and Ashley to do Ashley things. Then the quest, she can't wait. We even re-did all of Ashley's pictures so she'll be more cosistent in the future soon.